Subscription Features
All of the exclusive easyjob Subscriber features:
- Password check via Active Directory Domain Services (ADDS) in easyjob and WebApp.
- User Settings: Create Organisation structure.
- easyjob Remote Session Enhancer (RSH).
- Setting to enforce secure easyjob password.
- Organisation Structure: Optimized handling with scrollbars.
- Deactivate Users.
- User Filter for Dangerous goods indicator.
- Batch activity in the Navigator.
- Batch activity in the Navigator for "Finalize Invoice".
- Reminder supports E-Mails.
- "Sales agent" column in all navigator views that display projects or jobs.
Master data
- Address - Contact - Advanced - Private address - New fields for "Mobile" and "E-Mail".
- Item Master Data: New field for "Dangerous goods indicator".
- New function: Copy Item Packages.
- Organisation Structure: Master data editor for entering and managing Commercial Establishments with coloring and selection in project, invoice, purchade order, etc.
- Item package: Setting to book the particular Item package as a own group.
- Weight of linked Items (gross/net) in the Main Data.
- New setting "Internal costs" for Resource Bookings.
- Item Packages: Define the sorting of Items and use it in the Bill of Items.
- Artikel: New tab "Purchase Order".
- New setting "Use Standard price" for supplier prices at Item Master Data.
- Linked Associated Items - For changes, queries or already existing item bookings that should be updated in the future.
- New column at the data exchange inventory export per owner.
- The Sales Price in the Item master data can now be stored for new goods and used goods.
- UpdatePurchase prices/Sub-Rental prices during import.
- Individual Item sorting order for each Sub Category.
- Supplier Price maintenance during import.
- New List Editor for devices at the Inventrory entry.
- Payment Methods for Invoices and Purchase Invoices can be divied.
- Device properties: new "Advanced" text field (can also be displayed in the Bill of Items).
- New column in the Item -> Devices "Number of Items in the Transport Container".
- New possibility to record data for private address at Contact Advanced tab.
- Purchase Order: Item Master Data Inventory with new column Delivery status.
- User filter – to filter in the address book by item names for which this address is stored as the supplier.
- Edit price list - List of Items: Now it can be sorted by field, Multiselect and the "Edit Entries" context menu, as for other Master Data Lists.
Project Management
- Periods (Load, Transport, Setup, ...) can also be defined for Sub-Rentals.
- Create Inventory Job in > Tools.
- Sub-Rental Jobs: New setting "Direct delivery" (volume and weights of the job are not calculated in).
- Digital Signature for Confirmed Jobs and Delivery Notes.
- Project dashboard.
- Expanded insurance calculation.
- Project attachments: optionally show also attachments from the Project activities.
- Link Projects as reference.
- Copy or transfer Job Resource Assignment and Assignment Status.
- "Print on reports" check mark now also for attachments.
- Creat Project from template.
- Extension Shopping Cart for sales of sales inventory and used items sales (expendable Items).
- Copy Job: Selection: "Apply current prices from Master Data".
- Add an Address in Job Appointments.
- Create Project Series - Copy Project - Copy Job: Possibility to Keep Job Status.
- Edit Project: New "Purchaser" column.
- Save in Project with shortcut CTRL + S.
- New "Total" field in the Project Main Data.
- Job Schedule Information for sales also for "Load" and "Transport".
Item scheduling
- When booking an item package, the price can be set as a fixed total.
- Scanner: Load/unload Linked Associated Items with "Reduce Rental Inventory".
- Part Deliveries will be consecutively numbered.
- New part in the bill of items: "Technical data".
- Excelimport at the Bill of Items is able to import free lines.
- Include number of Items in Availability Check.
- Determine the quantity of spare Items needed directly in the Bill of Items.
- Eventfilter at the Disoboard.
- Availability overview displays current loaded and unloaded Items.
- Item Overbookings: New column for Item Own Number and User Filter to find entries at the Item Custom Field.
- Color mark "Availability" individual per column.
- Scheduling Board: Job line context menu shows information about scheduled devices.
- New Window for "Suppliers" in the Bill of Items.
- Show availabilities from suppliers (easyjob Partner Web Access via WebApp URL in Master Data Addresses->Communication required).
- When replacing an Item, the On-Fly check is shown directly for the respective Items.
- Sub-Rental Assignment can be carried out for more than one Project.
- In the Availability overview, Items can be rescheduled directly in the Bill of Items.
- "Show workshop activities" option in the Dispoboard and Item Availability views.
- New Column Stock Level from supplier (also Sub-Hire Wizard).
- New Filter Sub Category at Overbookings view.
- Multilager: Bill of items for the "Devices" part, showing the location (new column: "Current site" and filter: "Matching the Job Site").
- Replace/Substitutefunction for Items/Devices when damaged during a Job in progress.
- New part for Material Group information.
- Item Package: New setting "Suppress query of opt. assoc. Items".
- Automatic booking of a sales variant for a sales item.
- Dispoboard - new FIlter for items with overbookings.
- Extension of the "Schedule Views" using the "\" tree structure.
- Automatically load the contents of a transport container that have been pre-defined it in the Master Data.
- Manage spare Item quantities.
Resource Planning
- Running meter calculation for vehicles and means of transport.
- Move Resource Status via Drag and Drop to another Resource.
- Resource plan: Resource Types (as assigned in the address master data) are displayed.
- New part in the Resource planer: Displays how many hours per week the person was already scheduled.
- New option in the resource status: "Ignore availability".
- For Resource function assignment, it can be defined if the times are "fixed" or "flexible" times (can be shown in the Resource planner).
- The order of the Resource Rates can be sorted globally.
- It can be defined in the Resource series if the same people must be used for the complete series.
- No more required Resource rates can be deactivated.
- Resource types that are no longer needed can be deactivated.
- Resource Types, Rates and Price lists can be displayed depending on the location.
- Job - Resources: Calculation of Own Costs analogue to the calculation.
- New Resource Planner: moving and time frame adjustment via Drag&Drop.
- Job appointments can be edited and created directly in the resource plan via the context menu.
- Assign Resources to Appointments via drag & drop.
- Resource plan: New filter "Include resource type filter".
- Resource Plan: The timeline of all views can be linked in the Workspace.
- Resource Plan: New workspace setting "Save Task Filter".
- Resource planner: new part BIC statistics.
- Resource Status Type: New "Allow Series" Setting.
- New Resource Assignment status - Reserved.
- View Scheduled Planning Resources within the Project.
- Search by free-form text in the Resource Planner.
- Differ Resource Types at master data between Planning Resources and Resources.
- Resource Booking: distinction in the number to invoice and number of required Resources.
- Insurance basis as the base price.
- Base price groups in item master data.
- Discount from Sub-Rental can be fixed permanent.
- New option to set up a preferred tax type when there are multiple ones.
- Scanner app: Query when unloading (e.g. due to cancellation) a transport container whether the transport container contents should also be unloaded.
- easjob Scanner - Transport Container: Master Data Assignment will be deleted, if e. g. an already pre-packed Device will be loaded alone.
- Scanner App: Extra button for job info (e.g. Manager).
- New setting " Load warning" and "Unload warning" per Maintenance Schedule (workshop).
- Scanner App: A report can be triggered manually in relation to partial deliveries.
- Scanner App: Checkbox that shows Sub-Rental Assignments.
- New property Linked Associated Items: "Not to scan".
- Master Data Address: New setting Invoice Delivery Type "E-Mail" - E-Mail of the Customer Invoice Address will be used.
- Invoice Project: Beside grouping to "Item", "Sub Categories" and "Accounts" also "Job Item Group" is available.
- Creating a credit would be linked with the credited Invoice.
- Generate E-Invoices in ZUGFeRD (CII format).
- E-Invoice: Address => Invoice => Setting Output format (XML or PDF).
- E-Invoice: dynamically set field in XML.
- E-Invoice: Creation (print/export) of the x-facutura xml file parallel to the pdf format.
- E-Invoice: Mandatory field buyer reference (Leitweg-ID) or VAT registration number must be
- E-Invoice: warning message when activating the checkbox "Manual Invoice line item generation".
- Create payment plans also with the Proposed status.
- Payment Receipt: possibility to import QR files.
- Invoice approval: Jobs could be approved individual. Activation in Tools > Settings > Jobs. User Right in > Projects/Jobs.
- New tab References.
- New Filter at Reminders for companies and sites.
- Manage Vehicle repair and maintenance in the Workshop module.
- Estimated Workshop Activity Costs from Replacement price.
- Track Workshop Activities for Items that are not part of your inventory.
- Spare parts -> free lines possible.
- Establish a standard estimated completion time for individual Workshop activities.
- New setting Maintenance Schedule "Due at Inventory Entry" - creates service due directly at Device Inventory entry.
- Workshop: Due for Maintenance - new filter: Maintenance schedule, site and date.
Purchase Order
- Apply total of Purchase Orders in the Cost Planner automatically (option preset).
- Resource planning: Combine the same Addresses through multiple selection (STRG+click) in a Purchase order.
- New field: Delivery Address.
- Standing orders.
- Batch activity in the Navigatorfor finalizing purchase orders in "Purchase Orders in progress" and "Overdue Purchase Orders".
- With optional Delivery Date no Inventory entry.
- Purchase Orders also possible with Partial deliveries.
- Purchase Orders can be copied.
- An Order Request can be put to several suppliers.
- Item Master Data: Purchase Order Parts List for item parts.
- Item Master Data: preset Packaging unit for each supplier (additional column at purchase order).
- Feature from purchase order "Update Item suppliers".
- Devices can be directly created from a pruchase order.
- Print Order Request for several suppliers via multiselect.
- Program settings to lock schedule for sub-rentals at status "Purchase Order".
- New "Priority" flag for purchase invoices main data - Payment instructions - Edit purchase invoices.
- Create Purchase Order for external "Workshop Services" from workshop activity.
- Spare parts can be ordered at workshop activity.
- "Tentative" also for sales.
- Calculation Base also for sales jobs.
Printing/Report Designer
- Export expanded to include Word XML (docx).
- Initialize report parameters in the Project.
- Initialize report parameters in addresses.
- New LL code page function for Swiss QR-bill.
- New Report for Cash settlement/Cash book.
- New Report Template: Price List.
- Creating of "Availability Groups" at the Sites (e. g. Europe).
Office integration
- eCarnet csv Export.
- shipcloud interface.
- Microsoft Teams integration.
- SharePoint Integration in den easyjob Remote Session Enhancer (RSH).
- SharePoint configuration of the target folders in the server manager.
- SharePoint configuration of the target folder via workflow.
- SharePoint migration tool for migrating files from the file system.
- SharePoint migration of files when switching to a Teams Project.
- SharePoint via Report Document type.
- SharePoint via Report Determine destination folder and file name for export.
- Set SharePoint folder permissions via workflow.
- Create SharePoint subfolders via workflow.
- SharePoint integration of Project file attachments.
Settings and User Rights
- New right: "Only view own Projects and Jobs".
- Item units can be created freely in the master data.
Server Manager and Database
- easyjob Test environment with separate user right "Use test environment" - clients can connect to the test or live system.
easyjob 6 Controlling Center
- New dropdown field "Payment Method" at Purchase Invoice Card "Costs", fields editable if selection is "Empty" (Discountoption).
- Purchase Invoice mark as "Confidential".
- Create Purchase Invoices from Summary Document.
- E-Invoice Import.
- New Filter at the Purchase Invoice Overview.
- Payment Instruction: New Filter by Due Date.
- General Costs can be used in purchase orders.
- Controlling Center: Create a Cash book in easyjob.
- Purchase Invoice Main data - new field for notes.
- Insert complete Purchase Order via FuzzyLogic.
- New User right "Cash book".
easyjob 6 CRM
- Activities can now be created from the dashboard.
- Take the probability into account in the Dispoboard filter.
- New filter at Navigator "My created Activities" for a better activity managment.
- Filter for Sales opportunity in the Overbooking calculation.
- Create Leads now available in WebApp.
- CreateTasks via Shortcut STRG-T.
- New field at the Status Change Reason "Lost to competitor" for the Competitor Proposed Price.
- Adresstypes are available now for Leads as well.
- New Category-field for Adresses and Leads.
- Availability now also with Probability.
- Batch activity to finalize CRM Activities.
easyjob 6 WebApp
- New user filter for items (Bill of Items and Master Data)/Addresses/Projects.
- Create/edit free lines in the WebApp.
- Project dashboard in WebApp and Phone.
- Warehouse Service Center: registered user put items into a shopping cart for a particular period.
- Two-factor authentication (2FA) in WebApp, Mobile App, Kiosk, Scanner with TOTP.
easyjob 6 Business Information Center
- New filter: "Ignore object filter".
easyjob 6 Workflow
- WebApp Push notification for workflow messages (only with active subscription).
- New Action: "Add Planning Resource".
- Purchase Invoice: Set Release Status for all line items.
easyjob 6 Freelancer Communication Pack
- Open Resource Plan from an context menu in the Resources answer.
easyjob 6 Webshop
- Display Webshop Live availability via the WebApi.
- Web shop support for Sales and Used Items Sales.
easyjob 6 Quality Assurance
- Skills can be displayed as tree view via backslash.
easyjob 6 Time Card Analyzis
- Driven distance at Travel Expenses.
- Resource status with approval (vacation planning).
- New time card setting: "Automatic work time approval".
- Work Time Overview: New filter according to Organisation Structure.
easyjob 6 Mobile Scanner
- Assign Associated Devices via Scanner.
- Device properties: new "Advanced" text field (can also be displayed on the Scanner).
- Assign/remove Items and Devices from OBU-Site via Scanner.
- Scanner supports now "Tablet Mode".
easyjob 6 Document Management
- Document Properties: new selection "Document type", they can be created at master data with "confidential" property with user right.
- New right "Document type" defines which document type may be seen e.g. item image, invoice, purchase invoice.
Find more about the easyjob Subscription:
Please note that licenses are required for parts of the listed functions. The development
of the documentation and the preparation of the release notes have been done with
great care. The individual program functions are constantly checked through our
Quality Assurance Process. However, errors can still occur for which we cannot be
held responsible. If you find an error, please inform us.
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